The insanity of an insane


By Aafiyat Nazar

In a city, an insane person was looking in the sky with a paper telescope while running away. He was shouting, "Take me away from the insane and the ignorant”. A wicked man asked the insane: “Where the ignorant are and what is ignorance?

Hearing this, the madman stopped and had a frenzy of laughter.

Muslim . research . extremism . ignorance
Photo credit: freepik

Meanwhile, he replied, “Ignorance is the name of a city and the ignorant are its inhabitants”. Hearing this conversation, people from nearby gathered around him and outburst with huge laughter. Gradually a large crowd assembled and all of them began to make fun of his words.

Then another man said: “Where does the road to this city of ignorance go? The madman gasped and said that you are already in this city of ignorance. And you have all come in through different doors. Another man teased the madman and asked, “How many gates does the city of ignorance have? The insane retorted “It has thousands of paths and with thousands of names, through which you have entered into this city”.

Another person burst into laughter and remarked: “it is fun to listen to him”. Yet another expressed his enjoyment and spoke: "Wow, what an amusement". The insane sighed and then said: “There is also another city contrary to this city of ignorance. It is the city of knowledge which has more fecundity than your ignorance. But the road to that city is one which none of you can show me. There was laughter, hue and cry and uproar in the crowd. The insane said with a loud noise: "Let me go. I have to find the trail to the gate of the city of knowledge". With this pronouncement, he ran toward a desert.

Later, someone from the crowd said proudly: “He was crazy, a researcher. He used to motivate other people to do research as well. Thankfully, none of our people would listen to him. Otherwise, we would have been like the infidels: the English, French, German, and the Japanese”. Another person from the crowd warned to avoid doing research and said: “those who go through research ultimately turn infidels”.

Then there was a loud noise and outcry: so-and-so is an infidel; this is an infidel; that is an infidel; you are infidels; they are infidels, and the city was bathed in blood. Thankfully! None of them resorted to research; otherwise, everyone would have run away from the crowd like the insane. And they would have been deprived of the stains of blood at their hands. Upon this ignorance rose to prominence, smiled and resumed its bloody dance. It yelled, woe to researchers, and woe to researchers.

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